Adventures in Mother Nature’s Gym: The Ultimate Guide to Planning and Leading Your Own Outdoor Fitness Retreats
With her book, Adventures in Mother Nature’s Gym, Melanie has created the definitive guide to helping others reclaim the instinctive, wild and essential aspect of the human experience through outdoor adventure. This course is a must for anyone working in the health and wellness fields and those with an interest in enhancing their own personal fitness and connection to the natural world.
"What Melanie Webb offers in her Adventures in Mother Nature's Gym is a program that can help reconnected our patients and clients to an aspect of their being that is undernourished and, therefore, contributing to their depleted state. Melanie makes being in the outdoors fun, playful, yet pragmatic."-Karen Koffler, M.D., Medical Director of the Osher Integrative Medical Center at the University of Miami, Miami, Florida.
DEPARTURES Magazine calls Melanie Webb “The person to call for guided travel” for good reason. The founder of Sol Fitness Adventures and luxury wellness label WebbWell, Melanie is recognized as a leader in the adventure travel industry and an innovator in outdoor fitness retreats. Her work is at the cutting edge, paving the way for others to discover that fitness is more than just a gym workout - it’s a way of life.
Book Dimensions: 7.5" X 9.25" X .75"