Seller policy for purchased items: Buyer must arrange, by appointment, to pick up book(s) from Pam at her house or at a prearranged meeting place. Unsigned books, as well as signed books in good condition that contain no special message, can be ...
Pamela Woodbury Carlquist is the author of numerous works of fiction and non-fiction, including her 2013 memoir Moving with God Past the Pain… of divorce, death or any parting of lives once joined and her latest visionary book entitled The Mudbug and the Winged Creature.
During her 40 years as a junior high, high school and university educator, Pam was blessed with teaching literally thousands of Park City students. A passionate proponent of the environment and all things living, Pam spends as much time as possible in the great outdoors. When not writing or Photoshopping her favorite mudbug and winged creature friends, she can usually be found outside, hiking, skiing, gardening, or running along mountain trails near her home in Park City, Utah.